Tuesday 11 August 2009

Sun,sea and pebbles :P

Gunna keep this post short and sweet as i cba to right much today, am extremely exhausted.

Today has been a pretty normal but nice day. Watched 17 again this morning, it was good but not as good as i expected, then later on when my brother and Andy arrived back from the garage we headed to the beach.

On the way to the beach we picked up my freind Lily. On arrival at the beach we had the difficult job of trying to be inconspicuos while changing. Once changed we took to the water. It was friking freezing but after a few minutes of girlish squeems and screams we got used to it.
Lily and I then swam out a bit before Andy got nervous because the tides were turning and called us to come back in.

So i lay down, intending to improve my non existant tan, then my brother starts jumping on me because he wants me and lily to help bury him. After burying him, helping pull him out then realising that lily's towel was still buried under the ton of rocks and retrieving it, we headed for ice creams.

Once we'd finished our ice cream we went to visit Lily's grandma Bibi in hospital, it was nice to see her but it was kinda sad seing her in a hospital bed. Ohh look, i said i'd keep this short and sweet but iv'e just rambled on. So, signing off now.

Maya x

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