Monday 10 August 2009

Hello, I am back! :P

What is it with the bloody english weather? One minute its baking hot, the next its tipping it down. What happened to seasons?

Anyway, enough with the ranting. I am back from the isle of wight and surprisingly for me -a pale as can be girl- have a slight tan which coveres most of my body, not just my arms as usual, and on my belly because i, the girl who always covers up, wore a bikini and people may find this weird but in doing that i have achieved one of my goals, become more comfortable in my body.

Since i signed off on Saturday afternoon quite a bit has happened, nothing to important though. On Saturday afternoon we went to Arundel where there is a boating lake where we hired a paddle boat and spent an hour paddling the boat wonkily around the lake. It had such beautiful panorama and for that hour i felt completely tranquil. As we were nearing the end of our time on the lake a boat carying some miscoordinated older teenage girls who proceeded to crash into us about 6 times before we finally managed to manover ourselves away from them, it doesnt suprise me that they ended up spending their whole boating experience padling round in circles, after all how many of us teenagers would bother to learn how to sail, we'd much rather shop or talk about boys, teehee ;).

After returning the boat we proceeded to purchase ice creams before setting off on hike of the grounds. Ohh and guess what. I managed to sit on melted chocolate and get it smeared all over the back of my jeans, fortunatly it came of easily so i didnt have the embarrasment of looking like i'd soiled myself. So then after findinding a warm spot we sunbathed for a while before a series of unfortunate events. 1. my brother decided that he would hit me with a flipflops, so i decided to throw it back at him and proceeded to get it stuck in a thorny bush so that when i had retreived it i was covered in scratches ; 2. My brother slipped down the hill and gave himself a massive bruise on his forhead ; 3. My step brother Lou also slipped down the hill and got a large graze on his knee ; 4. As we were walking back down a tree branch wacked me in the face. After all this was a very boring journey to portsmouth and a windy but refreshing ferry ride over.

Anyway when we got there, there was a nice meal waiting for us. On Sunday we went to this place with old fashioned penny arcade games. I manage to make a fortune in mints and ten pence coins. We then went to this beach called Ventnor which was jam packed and i had a difficult job getting my bikini on under a tiny towel. That night we had a barbecue where my brother decided to make penis shapes with veggie sausages and tomatos, talk about immature.

This morning we visited a different beach on which we took a long stroal. Other than that and the fact that I have been feeling unwell all day this day has been far from eventful.

I must sign off now as we are about to watch the DVD's (17 again, which i am excited about watching and the Mummy, which i am not) which we rented. So Bye bye.

Maya x

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