Friday 7 August 2009

packing palavers :)

First my mum decides that on the hour and a half long journey back she is gunna play some god awful classical music and then she has us driving around lost in guildford for an hour and a half. Oh and then my baby sister goes appapleptic because she needs a feed and my mum refuses to pull over and feed her. God, she is the loudest baby ever :0 so there i am holding her in the back of the car trying to get her calm down when she chooses this time to have a poo explotion, and guess who had to clear it up, ME! Any onlooker would think we were a family of crazy people; my mum humming along to the extremely loud classical music, me trying to change my baby sisters nappy and having to contort myself into all kinds of strange shapes to retreave the different implements needed, her with her extremly red face and my brother asleep with a book on his head, what normal person sleeps with a book on their head? Well I suppose that they wouldnt be far wrong think that.

Anyway after driving around and getting thouroughly lost we end up driving half the way to London in search of a supermarket before finally finding a tiny LIDL with hardly any of the stuff that we needed. I don't know why she didn't just go to the local supermarket, its perfectly adaquate. So finally we manage to pick up my freind at about half eight at night after a two and a half hour round trip to find a supermarket, then we ended up getting lost trying to get back home after Ellie gives us the wrong instructions about how to get back. :)

When we finally got home I was shattered and could have happily gone straight to bed, but no I had a friend over and you know what its like when have a girl mate over you don't end up gtting to sleep until 4 am. We ended up watching Moulin Rouge, probalby one of the best movies ever. I think I fell asleep at some point during the film but it doesnt matter because i've seen it some many times before ;) I have a dirty mind but i think i've met my match with ellie with the amount of lude comments she comes out with.

Woke up this morning and the mother had chosen to bring us breakfast in bed which was lovely and the morning was great, with a bout of kareoke but after my freind left i was left to pack and just couldnt be asked and therefor ended up leaving it right untill the last minute. Ohh and then ended up getting extremly pissed off with my mum,even though she was probably right and i was probably cranky, when she said i had to half the amount of clothes that I'd packed. Her argument was that it wouldnt fit in the car and mine was that i didnt want to look like a tramp and needed every single item that i had packed. So she took out half the items which i was not happy about. Then I had to go to the cricket club and sit around whike the adults chatted, the only good thing was that i got bought a J2O to keep me quiet. And suprisingly the journey back to Andy's felt like it was a lot shorter than usual. Anyway its getting late so I'll sign off.

Maya x

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