Wednesday 1 December 2010

Every action has a consiquence

Shattered, I think thats the word to describe how I feel right now. Literally dropping off with my head against the keyboard, and its not as if its late or anything. I blame the snow. Not that I've done much exercise par a bit of gymnastics and cheerleading today, i've been rather sedantary. I'm not making any promises this time, my laptop was tempremental until my brother decided that he was going to knock his tea cup on to it, then ohh set it on fire maybe :O brothers eyyh! so a term with no laptop and a very unregular internet conection means i've not had much time for things like this, hopefully when i (hopefully) get a new laptop for christmas. Christmas...hmm. Used to love it, getting more dubious. In our family its a chance to stuff yourself and then laze about like an arse, don't particularly like that side of it. Of course I love presents, just don't like all the hype around christmas. I still get all excited like a little kid on christmas morning, when i get to look in my stocking.

Right hoe, on to the title. Well you know when you do something silly, when you don't regret it but you just wish that everyone else didnt know about it? Sometimes you just want people to mind their own bloody business. Yes...I did. No..I didn't. Who cares!!! Its my life not yours I'll do what i bloody want and i don't need you pestering me about it all the time. Oh and telling the teachers, they don't need to know. Not gunna go in to specifics this time, might in the future though.

School at the moment, a pile of shite. GCSE year, for too long I've been resting on my laurels that I'm clever. Now I'm not so sure. Yeah, I have target grades of A's and A*'s but i'm gunna have to work to get them, yes the switch has flicked in my brain. I probably could have realised it far sooner my just listening to my mother, but then teenagers never do do they.

Still tired in the extreme but now i've started I don't want to stop.

So, yeah. Today. First snow day, last time I loved the snow but this year the novelty had worn off. Prefer to be snuggled up in the warm rather than building ice castles with the baby sister or having snowball war with little brother (last years antics). Nahh, this time I'd rather be curled up in the hammock by our massive fire or curled up in bed, probably watching some daytime pap tv, like 'cash in the attic', yes, i'm sad in the past i've been caught watching the named program.

Right, i am off now. But I will write tommorow because where i'm staying has an internet conection and i'll be here till at least lunch. I know I said no promises but... I will.

Maya x